Let me introduce you to Remy, my beautiful South African Boerboel. Remy is four months old(4) as of Dec. 17. I got Ms. Remy from Exotic Boerboels (www.superbreeds.biz) located in Cleveland, Ohio. Remy is a product of Pluto (sire) and Penny (dam). The Boerboel is a member of the Mastiff family and the breed originated in South African. The breed is gaining a following here in the states as a excellent companion and protection dog.
I chose this breed because of it's temperment and its reputation for being extremely good with children. The Boerboel is also known to fight to the death in order to protect its' family.
I was fortunate enough to know Remy's breeder personally,( I highly recommend him if you are interested in this breed he is a very knowledgeable and responsible breeder), so I was able to observe mature Boerboels and one of the thing I noticed and like was the fact that I never really heard the dogs barking but I was aware that my movements were being cautiously observed, even after I became more familiar to them. I did not feel threatened at all in fact I was very comfortable. These are some big dogs and I have seen videos on youtube with these wonderfully powerful animals in full protection mode. I also did alot of research and my conclusion is that these dogs are very intelligent, mild mannered and the ultimate protector.
Remy so far is exhibiting all of the traits that I learned about and observed so far she is learning basic commands and we are in the process of house breaking her, which is going surprisingly well. We are using the crate method with great success so far. We are also training Remy with a release command so that we can enjoy uninterrupted walks. Remy is very curious and observant on walks she is taking everything in, one thing I have noticed and really like is when we encounter other dogs on our walks she quietly watches them and doesn't even appear to be phased by their presence even if the other dog is barking at us.
On the breeders recommendation we are feeding Remy using the BARF (Bones And Raw Food) diet. Her diet consists of raw green tripe and chicken leg quarters. She seems to enjoy her feeding and I have not noticed any bad side effects. I will keep you up to date on the raw feeding as time goes on.
Yesterday for the first time we had company Remy was barking very loud at the unfamiliar adults (who were attempting to be overly friendly but was very receptive to the children, I was very impressed with this reaction and encouraged by her response to strange children. Although she appeared very nervous around the adults I have to remember she is a puppy and they have got to look like giants to her.
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