Well we have had quite a few experiences the last couple of days, first of all Remy and my wife found a new friend in the neighborhood a male Boerboel named Reno who is also 4 months old. Before I met Reno and Hollie (Reno's human)I walked around so proud to be the only boerboel owner in the neighborhood.
When we were out on walks people driving by would slow down and stare, other dog owners would ask what is she? so imagine my surprise when my wife came home from a walk and said she met another boerboel owner.
She said as her and Remy were walking a car pulled next to her and slowed down as usual but this time she said she felt a little uncomfortable because they lingered a little longer than normal. She stopped and down came a window and the passenger asked about the dog, When she told them Remy was a South African Boerboel, Hollie shrieked "no way we just got one too", as it turns out they live only 4 houses away from us. So now Remy has her first doggie friend.
Remy and Reno get along famously and it is so good to see her romping around with another boerboel. And these are my wife words not mine "they look sooo cute together!!!"
Hi Darryl,
This is Sharon from the Worldwide Boerboel Forum website. Tell you wife to take pictures of Remy and Reno together! That would be cute! I assume that since you did not mention it, that Reno and Remy are not littermates.
We have not seen Reno In awhile, there has been a lot of snow here lately hopefully they will come out to play this weekend. Reno came from a breeder in West Virginia
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