It has been a long summer Remy has grown a lot and from what I can see she has really started developing a real personality of her own. Most of the summer was pretty ordinary we spent time at going to the dog park and generally just hanging out. Remy is very well behaved in public and at the homes of out family. When she is at home she has a different mode all together. She is still very well behaved but her protective instincts take hold. On one occasion over the summer I left my front door wide open and I was in the back yard with Remy a friend of mine came over and was at the front door and Remy heard him before I did and it seems like she did and Incredible Hulk transformation, her muscles were rippling as she took off for the front door. When I got there my friend was off of the front porch and easing out of the yard. Remy had taken up her position at the edge of the porch barking and growling like she was possessed. My friend finally got to the sidewalk and Remy turned to me as if to say " I took care of the problem." Needless to say my friend was hesitant to come in the house but he was a good sport and came back onto the porch Remy did not take her eyes off of him she maintained a cool but distant demeanor. From what I have read she acted very Boerboel about the situation and I was very proud of her. All of the things I have read about Boerboels and their temperment had me wondering what type of dog I had. I think I can describe Remy as having a very good if not exceptional temperament, she is a big softy at home with the family and a intimidating beast to those who violate her space.
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