Friday, December 28, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Puppies are long gone
It has been its been awhile since the puppies have been shipped off to their new homes. I have not been able to post as much as I would like because I did not realize how much dedication and time the puppies required. This is my warning to anyone who is thinking about breeding South African Boerboels. Boerboel puppies are very intelligent, they how to circumvent all efforts that you may employ to keep them contained and they can become restless and cause trouble any every opportunity if not provided with enough stimulation to keep their every growing thirst for new things. I countered their high energy by recruiting kids from the neighborhood to help me clean up and feed the pups. I think this works to accomplish two very important things. It is beyond important, to socialize Boerboel puppies, if they are not introduced to new things on a regular basis Boerboels puppies could possible grow up to be aggressive. Aggression in a Boerboel is something none of us wants. South African Boerboels are big dogs that are extremely protective by nature, in in order to raise a well balanced socially responsible dog socialization is a must and the initial responsibility lies with the breeder. I would never want to see one of my puppies in the news for savagely attacking an innocent person. Secondly and far less important in the long run is that the excitement generated by kids totally exhausts the pups. It did not take me long to figure out that tired puppies are good puppies.
Although it was a chore it was a labor of love and I look forward to breeding Remy again soon. This time I think I am going to keep a puppy for myself.!
Although it was a chore it was a labor of love and I look forward to breeding Remy again soon. This time I think I am going to keep a puppy for myself.!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Time to get to know the puppies: Six : boy #3
All I can say about six is he is definitely a handful. He is by far the most difficult puppy to photograph I have ever seen in my life. He has a nice wide chest and a big head to match he is going to be a very big boerboel. If you live an active life then six may be the pup for you because he is not the one to be left at home. He totally enjoys being around people and thrives on attention. I think he is the one I will miss the most.
time to get to know the puppies: Forrest : Boy # 2
Forrest started off as the biggest mamas boy. In the beginning I thought he was going to be very timid, boy was I wrong!. Forrest is a big teddy bear but he is also very active, I think all of these pups are so active because it was such a small litter and there is not much competition for food or attention. Forrest has always been a loner he prefers to sleep away from the other pups. In fact he was the one that broke out of the area I ad him in and curled up with me on the floor while I was watching television,... a few weeks ago. Just the other pups Forrest is paper trained so house training him should be no problem. I credit this to the intellect of the dog rather than my efforts.
Time to get to know the puppies: Bubkis:: Boerboel Boy #1
What can I say about Bub. He is a very confident male, a boerboel all the way.
He is the girls running mate where u see one the other is not far behind. Until recently they we very hard for me to tell apart. Bubkis has gotten bigger lately so now I know who is who. Bubkis has always been one of the first to do anything he has no fear and is very sociable. He reminds me a lot of my brothers Boerboel Pluto. Among the puppies Bubkis is the first one to play. New sounds do not scare him they simply get his attention.
He is the girls running mate where u see one the other is not far behind. Until recently they we very hard for me to tell apart. Bubkis has gotten bigger lately so now I know who is who. Bubkis has always been one of the first to do anything he has no fear and is very sociable. He reminds me a lot of my brothers Boerboel Pluto. Among the puppies Bubkis is the first one to play. New sounds do not scare him they simply get his attention.
Time to get to know the puppies : The girl
Remy's boerboel puppies are now 6 weeks old.....,
Finally, only two more weeks to go so now I thought it would be a good time to introduce you to the pups on a one by one basis. I will start with the girl since she is the only lady of the litter. We really do not call her anything except girl since she is unique in that way. She is a vibrant and outgoing female. She is very alert and active. She likes to get out and explore. So far her favorite spot is under my bed. She is cautious in her movements choosing instead to inspect before she moves.
The girl puppy is paper trained and has been for about two weeks now. It amazes me how smart South African Boerboels are!!! Girl likes to have her belly rubbed and will lay there all day for you.
Finally, only two more weeks to go so now I thought it would be a good time to introduce you to the pups on a one by one basis. I will start with the girl since she is the only lady of the litter. We really do not call her anything except girl since she is unique in that way. She is a vibrant and outgoing female. She is very alert and active. She likes to get out and explore. So far her favorite spot is under my bed. She is cautious in her movements choosing instead to inspect before she moves.
The girl puppy is paper trained and has been for about two weeks now. It amazes me how smart South African Boerboels are!!! Girl likes to have her belly rubbed and will lay there all day for you.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Living Life Large: How to Wash a 130 Pound South African Boerboel
Living Life Large: How to Wash a 130 Pound South African Boerboel: It's that time again. Zulu is scratching a bit too much and the thought of a potential flea infestation along with the continuing war again...

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