Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Teething chapt. II

Yesterday my youngest son was playing with Remy and all of a sudden stopped with a pained look upon his face, I thought maybe he got nipped or something, no surprise since they like to wrestle, but imagine my surprise when he bent down and picked up what he said was a tooth. My wife who was at the computer at the time got really upset she thought the baby knocked the dogs tooth out.
She said in a very excited voice " oh my the dogs tooth came out do dogs loose teeth!!!", of course I found this amusing because my wife is not your typical dog person but she loves Remy. I told her since she was at the computer to look it up, meanwhile my son who was still in a state of amazement, said very quickly I will go downstairs and look it up (he is 8 years old). While he was in the basement my wife was examining Remy's mouth, and I pulled up a website and let her see that this does in fact happen it is just uncommon for the tooth to fall out on the ground. She was soooo relieved and a few moments later a relaxed 8 year old emerged from the basement with the exact same expression of relief on his face. You should have been there it was such a sweet scene.

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