Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Lets hear it for Exotic Moe
As I mentioned Moe from Exotic Boerboels
was recently appraised at the SABT appraisal in Columbus, Ohio and was scored an astounding 89.9 which makes him eligible for the SABT's elite registry. This registry is reserved for Boerboels of exectional quality. So Moe,to you and your breeder Exotic BoerboelsI raise my glass congratulations.
Regestered Boerboels
Now that the S.A.B.T appraisals are complete Remy and Moe are officially register as South African Boerboels. The S.A.B.T. is very strict about which dogs are accepted for registration. Unlike the A.K.C. a boerboel is not registered at birth, instead they must wait until at least one year of age before they can be considered for registration. The logic behind this is, the S.A.B.T. will only recognize dogs that achieve a minimum appraisal score of 75%. That means that in order to be considered a breeding quality Boerboel a dog must exhibit over 75% of the perfect Boerboel qualities. Remy scored 80% and Moe was an 89.9% they have both been found suitable for breeding purposes as they contribute exceptional Boerboel qualities. This is wonderful news as I mentioned Remy came into heat right before the appraisal so in effect the appraisal day served as a wedding day of sorts because right after the event Remy & Moe went off to begin forming a perfect union. We will know soon if the pairing was successful. visit Exotic Boerboels for info on Remy & Moe liter info and we also have other boerboel puppy liter info available.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
S.A.B.T. Appraisial Day
Thursday was a big day for the next generation of Exotic Boerboels it was the S.A.B.T. appraisal held in Columbus, Ohio. I was very excited because I assumed that it was going to be a social event where I would be able to see other Boerboels and have an opportunity to hang out with other Boerboel owners. Unfortunately it was raining and cold, so that did not happen. It was very official and when done it seemed everyone got out of there. We Got Moe and Remy appraised & and was able to meet the official S.A.B.T. Boerboel appraiser Johan van Wyk from South Africa. I was also able to learn quite a bit from Johan in terms of what exactly the breed standard means when applied to an actual dog.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
The Boerboel Breed standard
I. General Appearance
The Boerboel is a large, robust, and smooth coated mastiff type dog. The Boerboel should be powerfully built and muscular, and should also be agile and dynamic in movement. The dog should not be long-limbed nor squat but have a skeletal and muscular structure that allows for maximum degree of power and agility.
II. Weight
Weight is not a definite measure of a Boerboels fitness. A Boerboels general shape, size, and contour are the focal points. The correct proportion of these attributes is paramount to the dogs working ability.
III. Sizes, Proportion and Substance
Size In line with present day requirements, a full size, well balanced dog should ideally measure in height from the withers to the ground, Male 26 inches, Female 24, but in any event should not be shorter than 23 inches – The bitch being proportionally shorter with an ideal height of 25 inches, but in any event not being shorter than 21 inches – height being related to weight.
IV. Balance
This may be defined as the correct proportions of certain points, when considered in relation to certain other points. It is the keystones of a Boerboels anatomy. The main points for consideration are the relative proportions of skull and foreface; head and back; height at withers and length of body from shoulder point to buttock – the ideal proportion being reached when the last two measurements are almost the same (9:10 ratio). It should be added that, although the head measurements can be taken with accuracy, the height at withers and length of back and coat are approximate, and are inserted for the information of breeders and exhibitors rather than as a hard-and-fast rule.
Proportion – In proportion, the length of back (length from point of shoulder to tail set) is not equal to distance from withers to ground, or slightly longer than tall, in a ratio of 10 to 9. The Boerboel must not evolve towards a square conformation.
V. Head
The head is a very important feature of the Boerboel, as it represents its total character. The head is short, broad, deep, square and muscular with well-filled cheeks. The Boerboel should have an alert and intelligent expression. The top of the skull (occipital area) is broad and flat, and from the side the muzzle and head are square. The skull must gradually decrease in width to the eyes and the stop should be visible but not prominent.
a. Eyes
Eye color ranges in all shades of yellow and brown, but 90% of dogs' eye color is lighter than the pelt. The eyes should be horizontally and wide set and looking straight forward, with firm well-pigmented eyelids. Eyes should not be protruding or set too deep, and haws should not show. Blue eyes must be seen as a serious fault. (Disqualification)
b. Ears
The ears should be of medium size, V-shaped and of moderate thickness. The ears are set high and wide against the skull. Ears should drop side ways close to the cheek. When the dog is interested, the ears should form a straight line with the top of the skull. The ideal length is when the lower tip of the ear is in line with the eye.
c. The muzzle
The muzzle is black with large nostrils that are largely spaced.
Disqualification: Liver colored, white or spotted nose.
d. Lips
The upper lip is loose and fleshy, and should not hang lower than the lower jaw. The upper lip (beneath the muzzle) should cover the lower lip
e. Jaws
Upper and lower should be strong, broad and muscular. The jaws should not be flat or snipey.
f. Teeth
The teeth should be white, well developed, correctly spaced, a complete set of 42 teeth and should have a scissors bite- a bite in which the outer side of the lower incisors touches the inner side of the upper incisors.
Penalization: Badly overshot and badly undershot i.e. more than 1 cm.
g. Disqualification
Rose, tulip, pricked or full drop is a serious fault.
The nasal bone is straight and as near to parallel as possible to the top line of the head, and should taper slightly from eye to muzzle, with or without a black mask. The nasal bone should be in proportion to the skull (approximately 8-10 cm long). The ratio between skull and nasal bone being 1/1.5:1
VI. Neck
The neck is muscular and clean in outline, with no dewlap (the skin must be loose under the throat and stretched taut between the forelegs). The neck shows a noticeable muscle curve and gradually widens toward the shoulder. The neck must be in proportion to the rest of the dog. An over long or short neck should be considered a fault.
VII. Body
a. Forequarters
Front legs are thick, strong and muscular to support overall balance of dog. The forelegs viewed from any direction must be straight as possible and stand perfectly vertical, without knees or feet turning either in or out. The front pasterns should be short, strong and a vertical extension of the front legs and pastern joints. The distance from the knee (stifle) joint and pastern (wrist) joint must not be too long to ensure a well-balanced dog capable of fluent movement.
b. Shoulders
Shoulders should be well laid back, with good muscle development. The upper arm should have good muscle development.
c. Chest and ribcage
The chest must be strong, wide and deeply set between the fore legs, with well attached and curved ribs. The ribcage should be in proportion to the chest.
d. Front Paws
The front paws are big, well padded and rounded with strong, dark and short toenails. The paws should point almost straight forward. Most large breeds' front paws however turn slightly outward
e. Top line
The top line should be straight.
f. Back
The back is straight, broad and in proportion, with prominent back muscles and a short loin. A straight “tabletop” back is however not ideal for efficient movement, a very slight dip behind the shoulder ensuring better overall movement. The back sloping slightly toward the loin is sometimes seen in young Boerboels.
g. Hindquarters
The hindquarters should be firm, strong and muscular and enhance effective propulsion. The hindquarters should be free from droop or crouch. The upper and second thigh (gaskin) should also be well developed with prominent muscles.
h. Knee (stifle)
The knees are strong, firm and correctly angulated. The hock joints are strong and firm with correct curving (45°)
I. Hocks
The hocks are relatively short, strong and thick. The hocks are parallel. (Dewclaws, if any are generally removed)
j. Hind Paws
The hind paws are slightly smaller than the front paws. They should be well padded, rounded and should point straight forward. The nails are strong, dark and short.
k. Tail
The tail is attached high to the body. It should be straight and is generally docked at three joints, however long tails are also accepted.
l. Faults
Faults are defined, as a prominent dip behind the shoulder, a round back, and a sloping loin, is a sign of poor rib- and or back development. Loose shoulder blades are also considered a fault. A large male has a “saddle” behind his shoulder blades, and behind this “saddle” is a slight “dip”. This “saddle” consists of muscles.
VIII. Coat
The coat is thick, smooth, short and loose, with dark pigmentation on the skin under the hair. Moderate wrinkles on the forehead when the dog is interested. The belly and underside of the thighs should be bare. Long hair is a definite sign of another breed.
IX. Color
All colors are accepted, although poor pigmentation is penalized.
X. Gait / Movement
A smooth, powerful ground-covering ability must be seen. Movement is the crucial test of conformation. Hind legs furnish the principal propulsion power. Perfection of action being found in the Boerboel possessing long thighs and muscular second thighs well bent at the stifles. When approaching, the forelegs should form a continuation of the straight line of the front, the feet being the same distance apart as the elbows. At a trot, both front and rear legs tend to converge toward the centerline of gravity. The Boerboel must show good extension both front and rear. Viewed from the side, the top line is firm and parallel to the line of motion – in other words in movement a straight top line should be maintained.
XI. Temperament
From past history of the Boerboel, the modern dog draws its character of remarkable courage, high intelligence, and tenacity. The Boerboel is also reliable, obedient and has a strong watchdog instinct. This coupled with its affection for its friends, and children in particular, its off-duty quietness and trustworthy stability, makes it a foremost all-purpose dog. The Boerboel has a quick and intelligent mind and is easily trained. He is outgoing and shows a tremendous willingness to please. He makes an excellent family dog as well as a trustworthy hunting companion.
The Boerboel is a large, robust, and smooth coated mastiff type dog. The Boerboel should be powerfully built and muscular, and should also be agile and dynamic in movement. The dog should not be long-limbed nor squat but have a skeletal and muscular structure that allows for maximum degree of power and agility.
II. Weight
Weight is not a definite measure of a Boerboels fitness. A Boerboels general shape, size, and contour are the focal points. The correct proportion of these attributes is paramount to the dogs working ability.
III. Sizes, Proportion and Substance
Size In line with present day requirements, a full size, well balanced dog should ideally measure in height from the withers to the ground, Male 26 inches, Female 24, but in any event should not be shorter than 23 inches – The bitch being proportionally shorter with an ideal height of 25 inches, but in any event not being shorter than 21 inches – height being related to weight.
IV. Balance
This may be defined as the correct proportions of certain points, when considered in relation to certain other points. It is the keystones of a Boerboels anatomy. The main points for consideration are the relative proportions of skull and foreface; head and back; height at withers and length of body from shoulder point to buttock – the ideal proportion being reached when the last two measurements are almost the same (9:10 ratio). It should be added that, although the head measurements can be taken with accuracy, the height at withers and length of back and coat are approximate, and are inserted for the information of breeders and exhibitors rather than as a hard-and-fast rule.
Proportion – In proportion, the length of back (length from point of shoulder to tail set) is not equal to distance from withers to ground, or slightly longer than tall, in a ratio of 10 to 9. The Boerboel must not evolve towards a square conformation.
V. Head
The head is a very important feature of the Boerboel, as it represents its total character. The head is short, broad, deep, square and muscular with well-filled cheeks. The Boerboel should have an alert and intelligent expression. The top of the skull (occipital area) is broad and flat, and from the side the muzzle and head are square. The skull must gradually decrease in width to the eyes and the stop should be visible but not prominent.
a. Eyes
Eye color ranges in all shades of yellow and brown, but 90% of dogs' eye color is lighter than the pelt. The eyes should be horizontally and wide set and looking straight forward, with firm well-pigmented eyelids. Eyes should not be protruding or set too deep, and haws should not show. Blue eyes must be seen as a serious fault. (Disqualification)
b. Ears
The ears should be of medium size, V-shaped and of moderate thickness. The ears are set high and wide against the skull. Ears should drop side ways close to the cheek. When the dog is interested, the ears should form a straight line with the top of the skull. The ideal length is when the lower tip of the ear is in line with the eye.
c. The muzzle
The muzzle is black with large nostrils that are largely spaced.
Disqualification: Liver colored, white or spotted nose.
d. Lips
The upper lip is loose and fleshy, and should not hang lower than the lower jaw. The upper lip (beneath the muzzle) should cover the lower lip
e. Jaws
Upper and lower should be strong, broad and muscular. The jaws should not be flat or snipey.
f. Teeth
The teeth should be white, well developed, correctly spaced, a complete set of 42 teeth and should have a scissors bite- a bite in which the outer side of the lower incisors touches the inner side of the upper incisors.
Penalization: Badly overshot and badly undershot i.e. more than 1 cm.
g. Disqualification
Rose, tulip, pricked or full drop is a serious fault.
The nasal bone is straight and as near to parallel as possible to the top line of the head, and should taper slightly from eye to muzzle, with or without a black mask. The nasal bone should be in proportion to the skull (approximately 8-10 cm long). The ratio between skull and nasal bone being 1/1.5:1
VI. Neck
The neck is muscular and clean in outline, with no dewlap (the skin must be loose under the throat and stretched taut between the forelegs). The neck shows a noticeable muscle curve and gradually widens toward the shoulder. The neck must be in proportion to the rest of the dog. An over long or short neck should be considered a fault.
VII. Body
a. Forequarters
Front legs are thick, strong and muscular to support overall balance of dog. The forelegs viewed from any direction must be straight as possible and stand perfectly vertical, without knees or feet turning either in or out. The front pasterns should be short, strong and a vertical extension of the front legs and pastern joints. The distance from the knee (stifle) joint and pastern (wrist) joint must not be too long to ensure a well-balanced dog capable of fluent movement.
b. Shoulders
Shoulders should be well laid back, with good muscle development. The upper arm should have good muscle development.
c. Chest and ribcage
The chest must be strong, wide and deeply set between the fore legs, with well attached and curved ribs. The ribcage should be in proportion to the chest.
d. Front Paws
The front paws are big, well padded and rounded with strong, dark and short toenails. The paws should point almost straight forward. Most large breeds' front paws however turn slightly outward
e. Top line
The top line should be straight.
f. Back
The back is straight, broad and in proportion, with prominent back muscles and a short loin. A straight “tabletop” back is however not ideal for efficient movement, a very slight dip behind the shoulder ensuring better overall movement. The back sloping slightly toward the loin is sometimes seen in young Boerboels.
g. Hindquarters
The hindquarters should be firm, strong and muscular and enhance effective propulsion. The hindquarters should be free from droop or crouch. The upper and second thigh (gaskin) should also be well developed with prominent muscles.
h. Knee (stifle)
The knees are strong, firm and correctly angulated. The hock joints are strong and firm with correct curving (45°)
I. Hocks
The hocks are relatively short, strong and thick. The hocks are parallel. (Dewclaws, if any are generally removed)
j. Hind Paws
The hind paws are slightly smaller than the front paws. They should be well padded, rounded and should point straight forward. The nails are strong, dark and short.
k. Tail
The tail is attached high to the body. It should be straight and is generally docked at three joints, however long tails are also accepted.
l. Faults
Faults are defined, as a prominent dip behind the shoulder, a round back, and a sloping loin, is a sign of poor rib- and or back development. Loose shoulder blades are also considered a fault. A large male has a “saddle” behind his shoulder blades, and behind this “saddle” is a slight “dip”. This “saddle” consists of muscles.
VIII. Coat
The coat is thick, smooth, short and loose, with dark pigmentation on the skin under the hair. Moderate wrinkles on the forehead when the dog is interested. The belly and underside of the thighs should be bare. Long hair is a definite sign of another breed.
IX. Color
All colors are accepted, although poor pigmentation is penalized.
X. Gait / Movement
A smooth, powerful ground-covering ability must be seen. Movement is the crucial test of conformation. Hind legs furnish the principal propulsion power. Perfection of action being found in the Boerboel possessing long thighs and muscular second thighs well bent at the stifles. When approaching, the forelegs should form a continuation of the straight line of the front, the feet being the same distance apart as the elbows. At a trot, both front and rear legs tend to converge toward the centerline of gravity. The Boerboel must show good extension both front and rear. Viewed from the side, the top line is firm and parallel to the line of motion – in other words in movement a straight top line should be maintained.
XI. Temperament
From past history of the Boerboel, the modern dog draws its character of remarkable courage, high intelligence, and tenacity. The Boerboel is also reliable, obedient and has a strong watchdog instinct. This coupled with its affection for its friends, and children in particular, its off-duty quietness and trustworthy stability, makes it a foremost all-purpose dog. The Boerboel has a quick and intelligent mind and is easily trained. He is outgoing and shows a tremendous willingness to please. He makes an excellent family dog as well as a trustworthy hunting companion.
S.A.B.T. Appraisal schedule
S.A.B.T. Appraisal Schedule
Date Event Type Location Start Time Appraiser
10/10/2009 Appraisal Harrisburg, NC 1:00 PM Johan van Wyk
10/10/2009 Appraisal Burton, MI 3:00 PM Thys von Solms
10/11/2009 Appraisal Outside Hamilton, ON 12:00 PM Thys von Solms
10/11/2009 Breeders Course Concord, NC 8:00 AM Johan van Wyk
10/12/2009 Appraisal Bensalem, PA 1:00 PM Thys von Solms
10/12/2009 Breeders Course Concord, NC 8:00 AM Johan van Wyk
10/13/2009 Appraisal Clearbrook, VA 10:00 AM Johan van Wyk
10/14/2009 Appraisal Redmond, WA 10:00 AM Thys von Solms
10/15/2009 Appraisal Westerville, OH 9:00 AM Johan van Wyk
10/15/2009 Appraisal Los Gatos, CA 12:00 PM Thys von Solms
10/16/2009 Appraisal Collinsville, IL 12:00 PM Johan van Wyk
10/18/2009 Appraisal Tempe, AZ 10:00 AM Johan & Thys
10/20/2009 Appraisal New Orleans, LA 8:00 AM Johan & Thys
10/21/2009 Appraisal Live Oak, FL 9:00 AM Johan & Thys
Date Event Type Location Start Time Appraiser
10/10/2009 Appraisal Harrisburg, NC 1:00 PM Johan van Wyk
10/10/2009 Appraisal Burton, MI 3:00 PM Thys von Solms
10/11/2009 Appraisal Outside Hamilton, ON 12:00 PM Thys von Solms
10/11/2009 Breeders Course Concord, NC 8:00 AM Johan van Wyk
10/12/2009 Appraisal Bensalem, PA 1:00 PM Thys von Solms
10/12/2009 Breeders Course Concord, NC 8:00 AM Johan van Wyk
10/13/2009 Appraisal Clearbrook, VA 10:00 AM Johan van Wyk
10/14/2009 Appraisal Redmond, WA 10:00 AM Thys von Solms
10/15/2009 Appraisal Westerville, OH 9:00 AM Johan van Wyk
10/15/2009 Appraisal Los Gatos, CA 12:00 PM Thys von Solms
10/16/2009 Appraisal Collinsville, IL 12:00 PM Johan van Wyk
10/18/2009 Appraisal Tempe, AZ 10:00 AM Johan & Thys
10/20/2009 Appraisal New Orleans, LA 8:00 AM Johan & Thys
10/21/2009 Appraisal Live Oak, FL 9:00 AM Johan & Thys
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Remy is in heat
Although the timing could have been a little better Remy is in fact in heat.
I would have like for her estrus to have started after the appraisals but based upon preliminary information from mock appraisals, I am going to put Remy & Moe together to produce one of the most anticipated Boerboel litters in North America. Remy & Moe are in top physical condition so the mating should be quite simple. Moe and Remy both come from excellent pedigree so this pairing should produce some noteworthy offspring.
More info about this pairing will be available here and at Exotic Boerboels If you are looking for a south African Boerboel based upon pedigree I think you will be quite please with this pairing. Remy and Moe compliment each other in so many ways this pairing is sure to be legendary, particularly here in North America.
I would have like for her estrus to have started after the appraisals but based upon preliminary information from mock appraisals, I am going to put Remy & Moe together to produce one of the most anticipated Boerboel litters in North America. Remy & Moe are in top physical condition so the mating should be quite simple. Moe and Remy both come from excellent pedigree so this pairing should produce some noteworthy offspring.
More info about this pairing will be available here and at Exotic Boerboels If you are looking for a south African Boerboel based upon pedigree I think you will be quite please with this pairing. Remy and Moe compliment each other in so many ways this pairing is sure to be legendary, particularly here in North America.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Boerboel obedience
This video was extremely fun to shoot. Darris and Remy did a fantastic job. Of course we did it all in one take. Darris has been working with Remy quite a bit and sometimes she gives him a little trouble, I think it has to do with him being the smallest in the house but I am very proud how far both of them have come.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Why the S.A.B.T appraisal is important to me
Many people attend the appraisals for many different reasons, here I will detail my own.
The number 1 most important reason to for me to attend the Borboel Appraisal is the opportunity to see other Boerboels. The South African Boerboel is what is known as a rare breed, here in the states, it is so rare that very few people have even heard of the breed let alone seen one. I really like Boerboels and I would like to see more of them around. I think more Boerboel specific events should be planned. I n fact heeding my own advice I am going to start looking into something for the spring '10. So be on the look out for Borboelpalooza
The appraisal are a very intregal part of the plan for anyone who breeds or is thinking about breeding South African Boerboels. It is the only way U.S. breeders can see how their dogs measure up against dogs bred in S. Africa. My dogs have made the commitment to come in in the best shape of their lives.
The number 1 most important reason to for me to attend the Borboel Appraisal is the opportunity to see other Boerboels. The South African Boerboel is what is known as a rare breed, here in the states, it is so rare that very few people have even heard of the breed let alone seen one. I really like Boerboels and I would like to see more of them around. I think more Boerboel specific events should be planned. I n fact heeding my own advice I am going to start looking into something for the spring '10. So be on the look out for Borboelpalooza
The appraisal are a very intregal part of the plan for anyone who breeds or is thinking about breeding South African Boerboels. It is the only way U.S. breeders can see how their dogs measure up against dogs bred in S. Africa. My dogs have made the commitment to come in in the best shape of their lives.
Preparing for the U.S. S.A,B.T. Appraisal
I am very excited the S.A.B.T. appraisals are coming up here in Ohio. I am very fortunate that this year the appraisal is in my back yard.
Today I am going to give a brief detail of what I have been doing to prepare Moe & Remy for the appraisal.
I will start with diet, as I think that a boerboels diet has an effect on his overall health. I have stated in the past that I am feeding the B.A.R.F. diet with Remy. I am not following B.A.R.F to the letter though. I am feeding a lot of raw chicken and a mix which consists of rice cow tongue and some veggie I ground up in the blender. I would like to add some fresh green tripe, which I will do after the weekend.
Remy is eating a total of 4 lbs a day which is about 8 % of her body wight. I began preparation for the appraisal by reducing her calories intake and now I have increased it from 5% to where we are today. Moe is eating 5 lbs a day which is about 6% of his weight. I am not sure about the actual % but I am observing them and altering the amount by what I see from them physically and by checking their stools.
This will be my first Boerboel appraisal so I read "The Boerboel, South Africa's Own" by Anemari Pretorius, so that I could have a better understanding of what took expect. I also looked across the web for pictures of highly rated Boerboels so that I could try to see what the appraiser saw.
I can only attempt to improve upon the muscular appearance of the dogs, or should I say their fitness. I started by extending our walks and gradually increased it to a run. Initially Moe, who in my opinion was carrying a little extra weight, was having a hard time on the runs but with the cut in weight his activity level increased. Remy needed and probably still needs some mass but what I did was have her drop a little weight too. Once both dogs could maintain a good pace on a run or I should say jog, I turned them over to my son who is a training Junior Olympic fighter for sprints on the hill. Moe is using the hill to improve his rear muscle which I am starting to see improvement. Remy is working on her shoulders and chest. So Moe is getting the work going up the hill and Remy is getting it going down the hill.
I really feel like I have 3 fighters and I am the master trainer. I am also getting my work in so we should be the best looking group at the appraisal.
Today I am going to give a brief detail of what I have been doing to prepare Moe & Remy for the appraisal.
I will start with diet, as I think that a boerboels diet has an effect on his overall health. I have stated in the past that I am feeding the B.A.R.F. diet with Remy. I am not following B.A.R.F to the letter though. I am feeding a lot of raw chicken and a mix which consists of rice cow tongue and some veggie I ground up in the blender. I would like to add some fresh green tripe, which I will do after the weekend.
Remy is eating a total of 4 lbs a day which is about 8 % of her body wight. I began preparation for the appraisal by reducing her calories intake and now I have increased it from 5% to where we are today. Moe is eating 5 lbs a day which is about 6% of his weight. I am not sure about the actual % but I am observing them and altering the amount by what I see from them physically and by checking their stools.
This will be my first Boerboel appraisal so I read "The Boerboel, South Africa's Own" by Anemari Pretorius, so that I could have a better understanding of what took expect. I also looked across the web for pictures of highly rated Boerboels so that I could try to see what the appraiser saw.
I can only attempt to improve upon the muscular appearance of the dogs, or should I say their fitness. I started by extending our walks and gradually increased it to a run. Initially Moe, who in my opinion was carrying a little extra weight, was having a hard time on the runs but with the cut in weight his activity level increased. Remy needed and probably still needs some mass but what I did was have her drop a little weight too. Once both dogs could maintain a good pace on a run or I should say jog, I turned them over to my son who is a training Junior Olympic fighter for sprints on the hill. Moe is using the hill to improve his rear muscle which I am starting to see improvement. Remy is working on her shoulders and chest. So Moe is getting the work going up the hill and Remy is getting it going down the hill.
I really feel like I have 3 fighters and I am the master trainer. I am also getting my work in so we should be the best looking group at the appraisal.
Friday, September 18, 2009
My Boerboel photo post
Here are a few photos of two of my favorite Boerboels, Remy & Moe.
They were having a ball working out, I am trying to get them in shape for the SABT,( South African Boerboel Breeders Ass.) appraisal, which is used to evaluate your dogs value to the breed in terms of conformation to the breed standard. This is very important , in future I would like to breed Remy & Moe. In order for Remy to official recognized as a Boerboel she must score a min of 75% conformation to the breed standard..
The SABT has set a minimum standard for any Boerboel to be considered for the stud register is 85%. The South African Boerboel is recognized by the AKC as a foundation stock, which means that the breed is new, and not enough Boerboels have been registered for the breed as a whole to be recognized. There is a lot of discussion amongst Boerboel owners regarding the merits or lack of the various organizations. My opinion is that the SABT which is recognized as the founding organization should be consulted for issues regarding breed conformation. I personally would like to see the AKC fully recognize the Boerboel if for no other reason than it will increase awareness of the breed in the states. Greater awareness means more Boerboel owners and more Boerboel events which at the end of the day, should be good for the breed as a whole. Boerboels are a native dog of South African, but I would like to see more Boerboels purchased from breeders in the states. I believe in keeping our money at home especially in times like this. The breeders here are producing quality animals which very soon should rival those bred in South Africa.
Here is another angle of the who's that pose
Moe @ 2 & Remy checkin out the scene
It is time to go home baby!!!
Monday, September 14, 2009
The Boerboels are great with my kids!!!!!
I got a lot of response about a photo like this of Moe & Remy with my youngest son. I know I talk a lot about my training experiences with Remy but I feel that is a very important part of being a Boerboel owner, but we have plenty of fun with Remy and lately Moe. I often times have to remind myself that these are some big dogs.
I got a few emails asking if I was crazy having a child alone handling dogs that obviously outweighs him. My response is usually something like this,. I took the picture so he was not alone. and second my son has been around Remy and Moe since they were born. Moe was originally my mothers dog. He has a special relationship with them that only they understand, I feel absolutely and positively secure having him with the dogs.
Being a Boerboel owner I find it hard that they have anything but a stellar reputation, but I have heard rumors that from time to time things happen.Occasionally when I am out for a run with Remy I see people hurry up and cross the street....o.k. you caught me all the time. Or remember my friend on the porch!!! Remy is very attentive and alert she is also fearless so I must remind myself that when properly bred these dogs will be fierce protectors of the home and family as well as model citizens. Remy in fact, I am very thankful to say exhibits all of these qualities. Many people know nothing of the breed and the associate the Boerboels size with a mean dog. My experience with Boerboels has been very rewarding. I just insist anyone thinking of purchasing a Boerboel should take the opportunity to visit and get to know a Boerboel.
I got a few emails asking if I was crazy having a child alone handling dogs that obviously outweighs him. My response is usually something like this,. I took the picture so he was not alone. and second my son has been around Remy and Moe since they were born. Moe was originally my mothers dog. He has a special relationship with them that only they understand, I feel absolutely and positively secure having him with the dogs.
Being a Boerboel owner I find it hard that they have anything but a stellar reputation, but I have heard rumors that from time to time things happen.Occasionally when I am out for a run with Remy I see people hurry up and cross the street....o.k. you caught me all the time. Or remember my friend on the porch!!! Remy is very attentive and alert she is also fearless so I must remind myself that when properly bred these dogs will be fierce protectors of the home and family as well as model citizens. Remy in fact, I am very thankful to say exhibits all of these qualities. Many people know nothing of the breed and the associate the Boerboels size with a mean dog. My experience with Boerboels has been very rewarding. I just insist anyone thinking of purchasing a Boerboel should take the opportunity to visit and get to know a Boerboel.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Moe's visit
Recently Moe a two year old male Boerboel from Exotic Boerboels came to spend some time with my family on his way to his new home. I was asked to help Moe with some basic obedience. Well I found out Moe has a pretty good grasp of obedience commands so we are just refreshing a few things. While I was working with Moe I learned a few things about Remy. This is the first time we have had another Boerboel in the house. I took Remy and Moe out for a romp when Moe arrived, they are pretty familiar with one another since my brother is their breeder and they have spent time together, so I did not anticipate any problems with them getting along and I have not had any. I did notice that when the kids came out to play with Moe, that Remy did everything in her power to stay between Moe and the kids. Is she acting jealous or is she just being protective. Moe was pretty tolerant of Remy's protests but occasionally he would let her know he could do whatever he wanted to. I found Remy's behavior very interesting she knows she could not stop Moe but that did not stop her from giving it her all to protect her family. My cousin was also over that night with his 5 month old pit mix whom Remy is quite fond of so it was interesting to see how she was looking over him as well. All in all we are having a good time and and I will be sad to see Moe move on to his new home but he will be close enough for us to visit any time we want to.
It has been a long summer
It has been a long summer Remy has grown a lot and from what I can see she has really started developing a real personality of her own. Most of the summer was pretty ordinary we spent time at going to the dog park and generally just hanging out. Remy is very well behaved in public and at the homes of out family. When she is at home she has a different mode all together. She is still very well behaved but her protective instincts take hold. On one occasion over the summer I left my front door wide open and I was in the back yard with Remy a friend of mine came over and was at the front door and Remy heard him before I did and it seems like she did and Incredible Hulk transformation, her muscles were rippling as she took off for the front door. When I got there my friend was off of the front porch and easing out of the yard. Remy had taken up her position at the edge of the porch barking and growling like she was possessed. My friend finally got to the sidewalk and Remy turned to me as if to say " I took care of the problem." Needless to say my friend was hesitant to come in the house but he was a good sport and came back onto the porch Remy did not take her eyes off of him she maintained a cool but distant demeanor. From what I have read she acted very Boerboel about the situation and I was very proud of her. All of the things I have read about Boerboels and their temperment had me wondering what type of dog I had. I think I can describe Remy as having a very good if not exceptional temperament, she is a big softy at home with the family and a intimidating beast to those who violate her space.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
I took these pictures today, Remy and I had a great day. http://s287.photobucket.com/albums/ll132/pi_88vert/?albumview=slideshow
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Remy is not being bred
I usually like to keep my blog very light detailing my experiences with my dog but it has come to my attention there is a very serious uproar on various boards about this issue. Hopefully this will resolve your concerns.
Remy recently began her first estrus cycle. After reading a book called "grow You Pup With Bones" I thought it would be not only a good idea but advisable to breed remy on her first heat. I told my brother who is a Boerboel breeder and he told me that I should give it some thought. I told him I had and wanted to go forward. Upon further considderation and research I found that while some of what I read had merit that nothing could be lost by waiting and that the results of proceeding had too many questions and unknowns.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I am learning and Remy is growing
It has been awhile, but since my last post not much has been going on, Remy is now 8 1/2 months old and things are starting to happen.
First I would like to congratulate Pluto, Remy's father for achieving the Shutzhund AD, I believe there is some video posted at superbreeds.biz. Look for Remy to give it a try next year.
Well lets see Remy has continued her training and is very responsive she has learned, how to heel, sit, auto sit, sit stay, down and down stay. I am very proud of her progress so far and I am looking forward to furthering her education.
Last week Remy began her first heat, I have been expecting it but I must admit that I was still caught a little surprised. As far as her socialization Remy has continued to due very well so my earlier concerns about her behavior has been put to rest. Remy is very protective at home but she is extremely passive when we are out around town.
The above picture was taken a few weeks back at Boerboel family day at the park, every so often my brother gets as many of the puppies as he can together for a day at the park, it is a good time for all of the owners to get together and compare notes.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Remy is now six months old
A couple of weeks ago Remy reached her sixth month, Feb 28. It seems like she has been around a lot longer but it also seems like she just got here. Since Remy joined our family she has marked several milestones. I am very proud of my Boerboel. I am not sure if she is exceptional for a South African Boerboel but she is exceptional to me. She has learned the rules of the house so far and has not made potty in the house in over 3 weeks. I attribute this milestone to several things, first and foremost being that my big Boerboel baby is now sleeping thru the night and secondly to vigilintly sticking to the regular routine of taking trips outside.
Remy has also gained a great deal of confidence and is taking to friendly strangers met on our daily walks that would make not only any Boerboel owner but dog owner in general extremely proud. Remy has only showed aggression on two occasions both of which I found to be very appropriate. In one instance I sent a friend to my truck thinking Remy would allow him in with no problem, but I forgot, she had never met him, image my surprise when a minute or so later him came in and told me how fiercely Remy had protected the truck and prevented him from even opening the door. On the other occasion we were visiting family and someone approached me from the rear and she took a defensive position to my suprise.
Early on we decided to limit Remy's training to the most basic commands but as she has reached six months expectations are being raised and he training is going to intensify. I plan to work regularly on obediance and physical training. My goal is to train Remy to be a family orientated dog with an emphasis on family protection. I know that the Boerboel has these capabilitys and I believe that these goals are well within Remy's reach.
At this point I must thank my brother the breeder at Exotic Boerboels for Remy she is a wonderful puppy and has a beautiful temperament, she is full of energy but very manageble inside the house. She is also wonderful around children making even the most hesitant and cautious youngsters feel comfortable under her watchful eye.
I am not going to comment too much on Remy's growth as I plan to post some picture soon and I would like to know what you think. I for one must say that when I take her around other Boerboels her age I am pleasantly pleased and surprised at how much she has grown.
Remy has also gained a great deal of confidence and is taking to friendly strangers met on our daily walks that would make not only any Boerboel owner but dog owner in general extremely proud. Remy has only showed aggression on two occasions both of which I found to be very appropriate. In one instance I sent a friend to my truck thinking Remy would allow him in with no problem, but I forgot, she had never met him, image my surprise when a minute or so later him came in and told me how fiercely Remy had protected the truck and prevented him from even opening the door. On the other occasion we were visiting family and someone approached me from the rear and she took a defensive position to my suprise.
Early on we decided to limit Remy's training to the most basic commands but as she has reached six months expectations are being raised and he training is going to intensify. I plan to work regularly on obediance and physical training. My goal is to train Remy to be a family orientated dog with an emphasis on family protection. I know that the Boerboel has these capabilitys and I believe that these goals are well within Remy's reach.
At this point I must thank my brother the breeder at Exotic Boerboels for Remy she is a wonderful puppy and has a beautiful temperament, she is full of energy but very manageble inside the house. She is also wonderful around children making even the most hesitant and cautious youngsters feel comfortable under her watchful eye.
I am not going to comment too much on Remy's growth as I plan to post some picture soon and I would like to know what you think. I for one must say that when I take her around other Boerboels her age I am pleasantly pleased and surprised at how much she has grown.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Reno came out to play toady
Finally we got some nice weather, it was 55 outside today and you guessed it Reno the Boerboel was out to play. Today I was well prepared and had my camera in hand and ready to go. We had just return from a short walk and lo and behold there's Reno. It is amazing how much he has grown since I last saw him, I should have expected it considering Remy has grown just as much but since I see her every day she looks pretty much the same to me. I guess she will always be my puppy. It was a really nice day and they were able to play for about 45 minutes, which seemed like enough for them because they were both panting and slobbing pretty hard by the time it was time to go in. They play very well together, a lot of the neighbors were out due to the nice weather and everyone remarked how nice the dogs looked playing together. What also amazes me is that almost everyone I have met here has never heard of a Boerboel as I have said before so it is very nice to have a Boerboel owner as a neighbor, and they are cool with the dogs hanging out. I hope you enjoy the short clip of them playing.
Friday, February 6, 2009
General update
Time seems to be flying maybe I am now living in dog years. My beautiful boerboel Remy is growing so fast. This is a general update a progress report of sorts.
Remy is now about 5 1/2 moths old and doing great. The house training has been going pretty well, we had a couple of minor incidents over the last couple of days, but each time I have got to say the blame rests solely on the human members of my pack. I think we have been taking for granted how well Remy has been doing and have not been sticking to her schedule.
The issue we were having with her barking has all but dissolved occasionally we will get a little growl when people approach the house, when we are out, at the dog park she is a perfect little lady. The dog park seems to be her favorite hangout because she not only is the star of the show as far as the humans are concerned but she is quite popular among the other dogs. I am always so surprised how many people are in awe of her and those who have heard of a Boerboel, most have never even seen one. She gets a lot of attention and even more compliments and handles it all in stride, in fact I don't think I would be exaggerating if I said she looks forward to it.
I am continuing to train her and so far it seems to be going pretty well in fact when I think she doesn't get it I have found out at other times she knows full well what its going on she just is being stubborn. I am always looking for new ways to challenge her and she keeps rising to the task, although like I said sometime she comes thru at the most unexpected times.
As I mentioned I am Raw feeding, Remy, it seems she likes everything, but the basis of her diet is beef tripe and chicken leg quarters. Occasionally I will give her some salmon and also some crushed egg shells.
Remy is a very good girl but sometimes I forget she is a Boerboel and, even as a puppy she is a big dog, many times when I am out walking her off leash and we come upon people they are a little intimidate by her, but once they see that she is a nice puppy they cannot get enough of her. I must remember that not everyone looks at her and sees sure a wonderful little puppy like I do .
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Teething chapt. II
Yesterday my youngest son was playing with Remy and all of a sudden stopped with a pained look upon his face, I thought maybe he got nipped or something, no surprise since they like to wrestle, but imagine my surprise when he bent down and picked up what he said was a tooth. My wife who was at the computer at the time got really upset she thought the baby knocked the dogs tooth out.
She said in a very excited voice " oh my the dogs tooth came out do dogs loose teeth!!!", of course I found this amusing because my wife is not your typical dog person but she loves Remy. I told her since she was at the computer to look it up, meanwhile my son who was still in a state of amazement, said very quickly I will go downstairs and look it up (he is 8 years old). While he was in the basement my wife was examining Remy's mouth, and I pulled up a website and let her see that this does in fact happen it is just uncommon for the tooth to fall out on the ground. She was soooo relieved and a few moments later a relaxed 8 year old emerged from the basement with the exact same expression of relief on his face. You should have been there it was such a sweet scene.
She said in a very excited voice " oh my the dogs tooth came out do dogs loose teeth!!!", of course I found this amusing because my wife is not your typical dog person but she loves Remy. I told her since she was at the computer to look it up, meanwhile my son who was still in a state of amazement, said very quickly I will go downstairs and look it up (he is 8 years old). While he was in the basement my wife was examining Remy's mouth, and I pulled up a website and let her see that this does in fact happen it is just uncommon for the tooth to fall out on the ground. She was soooo relieved and a few moments later a relaxed 8 year old emerged from the basement with the exact same expression of relief on his face. You should have been there it was such a sweet scene.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Why is She Barking?
Remy has begun barking at people, initially since we had pretty much never heard her bark, we thought it was kinda cute, but after a few times it got kinda annoying and embarrassing. We have really enjoyed all the attention Remy gets and how well she was behaving. As I said I read a lot on the Boerboel board and I recalled reading that any signs of aggression this early needs to be checked immediately. These Dogs get big and are very powerful, and any inappropriate behavior no matter how minute needs to be corrected lest it become a major problem in the future.
I placed a post on the board seeking advice to go along with what I was observing, ultimately I figured that her behavior was a result of a lack of socialization, again the problem is actually a lack of human training on our part. Fortunately we did acknowledged the problem, our solution has been to get her out among people as much as possible, and engage in conversation with as many people as we can with her present. We live next door to a school so in the morning as the kids head to school we stand outside and again in the afternoon . We also found a dog park and have begun taking her for regular outings. I have noticed a positive change in her behavior as a result of our efforts, so hopefully this problem has been averted.
(as a note: this whole episode has taken place over only a few days, so the importance of correcting bad behavior immediately is paramount)
Thursday, January 8, 2009
When Remy met Reno
Well we have had quite a few experiences the last couple of days, first of all Remy and my wife found a new friend in the neighborhood a male Boerboel named Reno who is also 4 months old. Before I met Reno and Hollie (Reno's human)I walked around so proud to be the only boerboel owner in the neighborhood.
When we were out on walks people driving by would slow down and stare, other dog owners would ask what is she? so imagine my surprise when my wife came home from a walk and said she met another boerboel owner.
She said as her and Remy were walking a car pulled next to her and slowed down as usual but this time she said she felt a little uncomfortable because they lingered a little longer than normal. She stopped and down came a window and the passenger asked about the dog, When she told them Remy was a South African Boerboel, Hollie shrieked "no way we just got one too", as it turns out they live only 4 houses away from us. So now Remy has her first doggie friend.
Remy and Reno get along famously and it is so good to see her romping around with another boerboel. And these are my wife words not mine "they look sooo cute together!!!"
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