Tuesday, December 30, 2008

House training

Wow!! It seems like things are happening so fast.
We have been working on housebreaking Remy using the crate method as I mentioned before, things were going well then not so well but that is what I expected but I blame us (the family) because when she started doing so well we got away from our program of taking her out at scheduled times and did not pay enough attention to the signals she was sending at potty time. So I should rename my previous entry people and puppy training. I now know it is just as important to develop and stick to expectations for everyone in the house. i have not noticed anymore of the involuntary leaking around the house and my assumption is that Remy has become more comfortable and confident in her own environment and the people she shares it with.
To clean up the spots where Remy used the potty in the house we have been using a product called Urine Off and I think it has help prevent her from marking and peeing in the house. That along with the praise when she performs her business properly has made things begin to roll along smoothly again. Hopefully things will continue and we can call the housebreaking a success.
Remy has been spending more time outside of the crate as a result of her good manners and last night as I was laying down on the couch to watch t.v. she seemed to be tired and automatically went to her crate. I am going to leave the crate in the house for a few more weeks and then I am going to remove it and leave her bedding so hopefully she will know that is her spot.

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